With blockchains popularity, many free blockchain courses are rising in the market. But are these courses enough to educate you about the fundamentals of blockchain? Now that blockchain is gaining traction, many enterprises are eager to learn everything about it.

The goal? Well, to get knowledgeable when developing blockchain solutions. In reality, the technology is extremely complicated. Thus, without proper blockchain training, no one can truly learn to use it, let along develop it.

And so, to help you out, we are here with our take on the blockchain with free blockchain courses for you to try out.

So, let’s get started.


Are the Free Blockchain Courses on the Market Enough?

Well, typically, any free blockchain course you find on the internet can’t be enough to give you proper knowledge base. In many cases, these online blockchain courses free guides are full of false information that can only stray you from the main topic.

More so, these online blockchain courses free guides can make you lose a tremendous amount of time along with resources.

Basically, you should be more careful in picking the courses as these can easily give you false information. That’s why you should only take free blockchain training from well-known websites.

More so, you should always stay careful about free blockchain courses at all times. But don’t worry, as many of you often only want to learn some basic information about this tech, we are here to help you out with our collection of blockchain courses online free guides.


Why Take Our Free Blockchain Courses?

Free Blockchain Courses

First of all, we at 101 Blockchains are always more than eager to help out any individual who is looking for solid information on the blockchain. In reality, we are highly enthusiastic about this new technology and want enterprise professionals to learn about it.

That’s why we dedicate our website and all of its contents for helping you find your desired information. Also, all our course collection is also here to offer you the best possible knowledge base on this new technology.

To help you check out the quality of our premium contents, we are offering two blockchain courses free of cost!

Not only that, both of our blockchain courses free guides are equipped with bonus materials to help you experience the premium contents.

Also, we tend to offer solid information as our expert team members work day and night to keep all the blockchain courses online free guides up-to-date!

However, these two blockchain courses free guides are only for the beginners. If you are a professional and want to fully understand the architectural aspect of this tech, then make sure to enroll in our premium courses.

Furthermore, you can expect to get a certification in those courses as well.


Our Collection of Free Blockchain Courses


Enterprise Blockchains Fundamentals

Course Duration

We make sure that you can complete all of our courses in a short amount of time. As you might be busy with your professional work, completing a course might seem like a big hassle. Thus, our enterprise blockchains fundamentals course will only take you 4 days to complete.

More so, it only takes 15 minutes every day! We’re pretty sure that you can make up the time to check out our blockchain courses free guide.

Also, we have eight lessons for you to check out. These 8 lessons will cover all the basics you need to learn about enterprise blockchain processes.

To help you learn about the topic quickly, we split the whole 8 lessons throughout the 4 days! But don’t worry, you won’t have to take the lessons or complete the course within only 4 days.

In reality, you can pause and come back to the free blockchain course anytime you want. Thus, you are getting more flexibility with our collection.

Enroll in enterprise blockchains fundamentals course if you –

  • Want to know about the basics of blockchain technology.
  • Are eager to learn about the different important blockchain terms.
  • Want to understand how blockchain is affecting all leading sectors in the market.


Course Overview

This online blockchain courses free guide Enterprise Blockchains Fundamentals is the first step for any professional in his blockchain journey. More so, this course is perfect for upgrading your position and skills. So, in this course, you will learn about how blockchain works and how you can use it as leverage for your career.

Anyhow, we made sure to design this free course for all the professionals who want to learn about the tech but needs familiarizing them with the parts of this tech first. Furthermore, we want you to upgrade your skill sets and get a hold of new opportunities.

Thus, if you want to join this new blockchain revolution and want to get valuable information about this tech, then taking this course should be your first choice.

Do you know what the best part is? Our free blockchain courses are trusted by more than 5000 professionals around the globe. The fact that you get to take this course for no money at all is a valuable option at the moment.

Anyhow, we are pretty sure that no other company in the marketplace can offer you this much value in a completely free blockchain course.

So, waste no more time, complete the course, and get ahead in the race right now!


What Will You Learn?

Module-1: Blockchain Technology Definition

In this first module, you will learn about the actual definition of blockchain technology. In reality, if you are just a newbie and don’t know anything about this tech, then never skip this module. It will help you learn about the underlying conditions of this technology.

More so, you will get a visual explanation of how it actually works. Basically, we will use it to make the learning process a bit simpler.


Module-2: Important Blockchain Enterprise Terms

When you know about the terminologies, it helps you to keep using a common standard in your solutions. In reality, this will improve your chances of getting interoperability as well. And so, in the second module, you will learn about these terminologies and align your strategies correctly.

More so, here you will get to learn about double-spending issues, how consensus mechanisms work, and so on.

Also, different types of blockchain and their differences, along with how nodes and validators work is on the module as well.

So, make sure not to skip these at all.


Module-3: Basics of Smart Contract

In the third part, we will focus on the smart contract. In reality, smart contracts are absolutely essential when it comes to enterprise businesses. You can easily automate them, and they will execute on their own once every party follows the rules properly.

So, it’s a great way to seal a contract with other parties or companies without worrying about the paycheck.

Here, you will learn about how it works and what the typical advantage point of this feature.


Module-4: Blockchain Digital Transformation

The last section is the most important part of our free blockchain course. More so, if we don’t put it in the right perspective, it will stay a complex technology for all businesses.

And so, we will focus on where this technology works and what are the leading sectors of this technology at the moment.

You will also get to learn about the process of blockchain digital transformation.


Included Bonus Material

Course Presentation

You get to download all of the course presentations once you complete our free blockchain course. So, you can always come back and revise them and jog your memory!

Additional Lectures

We will include additional lectures along with the lectures in the free blockchain training sessions. So, your learning will not only end here; you will always get more content to increase your knowledge base.

Join Online Events

You will also get exclusive access to all of our online events, such as webinars with top industry professionals. All of this comes completely free of cost!


Introduction to Enterprise Blockchain

Course Duration

Our primary target is that you can complete all of our courses within a short amount of time without any hassles. Why? Well, in reality, many of you might be busy with your professional work and would not have the time to complete a long-form course.

Thus, to help you out without draining much of your time, we ensure that this blockchain free course will only take 5 days to complete!

Yes! Only 5 days! Furthermore, instead of spending hours and hours of time on a course, you will only have to spend 15 minutes every day!

Also, we have twelve lessons for you to check out. These 12 lessons will cover all the basics you need to learn about enterprise blockchain processes.

Another best part about our blockchain free courses is that we divide all of the course materials into 5 days. This way, you can learn about the easy terms at first and slowly move on to the hard factors.

But don’t worry, you won’t have to take the lessons or complete the course within only 5 days to learn blockchain for free.

In reality, you can pause and come back to the free blockchain course anytime you want. Thus, you are getting more flexibility with our collection.

Enroll in an introduction to enterprise blockchain course if you –

  • Are eager to know about the fundamentals of blockchain technology.
  • Want to learn about how different part of enterprise blockchain works.
  • Are eager to understand the full process of blockchain digital transformation.


Course Overview

This course is specially outlined to give you a unique opportunity in the enterprise blockchain businesses. More so, once you complete this course, then you can finally appreciate how blockchain can really make the enterprise business processes great again.

Anyhow, we ensure that you will get premium access to all the technical details along with business-related use cases. Thus, these will surely help you implement your blockchain solutions without any hassles.

However, we will recommend you to check out our other courses before staring your blockchain project altogether.

Anyhow, this blockchain courses online free guide is here to help you learn about the real-life examples. Using this, you can finally take the first step towards the marvelous future.

So, if you really want to join the new blockchain revolution and want to get valuable information about this tech, then taking this course should be your first choice.

You need to focus diligently to improve your career and build your skillset. If you are already in the enterprise industry as a consultant, executive, or manager, you should know this.

And so, learning about the fundamentals of blockchain and its implication is extremely important. So, use these free blockchain courses to get the perfect package of your lifetime. You can learn more about this course from here!

Also, don’t forget to check out our other courses as well.


What Will You Learn?

Module-1: Definition of Blockchain

First of all, we will start with the definition of blockchain technology. Without knowing or learning what it is, you can’t possibly move on to a more complex part of this tech. So, if you are just a newbie and don’t know anything about this tech, then never skip this module. It will help you to learn about the main aspect of this tech.

More so, you will get a visual explanation of how it actually works. Basically, we will use it to make the learning process a bit simpler.

Also, you will know the difference between centralized, decentralized, and distributed network models. More so, we will also cover the history and different types of blockchain technology as well.


Module-2: Most Important Enterprise Blockchain Terms

In the send part, we will mainly focus on the different terminologies that are commonly used in enterprise blockchain implementation.

Why though? Well, when learning about these will help you to keep using a common standard in your solutions. So, this will ultimately improve your chances of getting interoperability as well.

More so, here you will get to learn about double-spending issues, how consensus mechanisms work, and so on. Additionally, you will learn about the validators, nodes, transactions, and so on.


Module-3: Smart Contract Fundamentals

In this part of the blockchain free course, we will focus on smart contract fundamentals. In reality, you can easily automate them, and they will execute on their own once every party follows the rules properly.

So, it’s a great way to seal a contract with other parties or companies without worrying about the paycheck.

Here, you will learn about how it works and what the typical advantage point of this feature. More so, you will also learn about the disadvantages of this feature and popular use cases that you can try out as well.

So, learning about this section is relatively important for you.


Module-4: Blockchain Transforming Enterprises

This section is dedicated to how blockchain is transforming enterprises. Basically, it will focus on the important aspects of blockchain digital transformation. It’s an important part, so don’t skip this section at any cost.

Anyhow, we will focus on where this technology works and what are the leading sectors of this technology at the moment.

We will also talk about IBM’s food trust and help you build up your strategy for the perfect blockchain solution.


Module-5: How Blockchain Is Changing the World

This the last module of our free blockchain courses. In reality, blockchain may not completely remove the existing legacy networks as of now. But it will surely change how it works and slowly may take over full control.

In short, the world you are seeing at the moment will change completely, but it will happen gradually. So, make sure that you find your position in that change to protect yourself from disruptions.

That’s why, in this section, we will help you learn about the benefits if web 3.0. Also, we will focus on federated blockchain and teach you about the overall ecosystem of consortia. Additionally, we will cover possible use cases.


Included Bonus Material

Course Presentation

You get to download all of the course presentations once you complete our free blockchain course. So, you can always come back and revise them and jog your memory!

Additional Lectures

We will include additional lectures along with the lectures in the free blockchain training sessions. So, your learning will not only end here; you will always get more content to increase your knowledge base.

Join Online Events

You will also get exclusive access to all of our online events, such as webinars with top industry professionals. All of this comes completely free of cost!


Who Should Take Our Free Blockchain Courses?

Our courses are specially designed for your free blockchain training.  So, any industry professional, business leaders, law consultants, or anyone can easily learn blockchain for free from our courses. More so, using these online blockchain courses free will help you understand how the basics of blockchain technology quite easily.

Basically, if you are –

  • Marketing Specialist
  • Business Analyst
  • Advisor
  • Business Leader
  • Program and Product Manager
  • Industry Professional
  • Entrepreneur
  • Decision Maker
  • Innovation Manager

Then you should definitely check out our blockchain courses online free guides. More so, if anyone not on our list is eager to learn, blockchain for free should surely check out our courses as well.


Frequently Asked Questions About Our Free Blockchain Course

FAQ-1: Who Can Sign Up for These Courses?

Frankly anyone! We make sure that all of our blockchain courses are open for any professional who wants to learn about blockchain technology. More so, you need to know how blockchain will truly impact the different sectors around the globe.

Thus, these courses will surely help you out in learning about the disruptions along with possible use cases. So, any blockchain enthusiasts or managers, or leaders are free to check out our blockchain courses free options.


FAQ-2: Can I Interact with The Team?

Yes, obviously! We believe that one can truly learn about a topic when they can interact with the teacher more. In reality, we know that you may have a lot of questions despite completing our free blockchain course.

Thus, we make sure that our team is ready to answer all of your queries whenever you want! More so, our team is also fully prepared to help out in any other manner with up-to-date information as well.

We tend to boast a little bit about this feature as many of the free courses out there won’t offer you this feature at all.


FAQ-3: How Are the Courses Prepared?

We make sure to design all of our courses based on the current information. Any kind of information about certain platforms or types of blockchain comes directly from their developers. So, no, we don’t make up any of the information as we please.

Also, our expert team is always updating our course materials as things can shift in the enterprise business very quickly.

Also, all of our blockchain courses online free guides will only take you 60 minutes to complete!

Yes! You will only have to invest only 15 minutes of your time every day to learn about it. And also, it will take only 4 days to fully complete!


FAQ-4: Do These Courses Have Certifications?

Unfortunately, we don’t offer any certifications with our free courses. In reality, these free blockchain training guides are only for beginner level players. So, offering a professional certification with them wouldn’t be a wise choice from the blockchain job markets.

Our courses are more for beginners that simply want to learn blockchain for free or even for those of you who still can’t decide whether you should opt for our premium content or not.

If you are really looking for certifications, then you can check out our certified blockchain professional course from here!


FAQ-5: Why Should I Take These Free Courses From 101Blockchains?

Well, we tend to differ a lot from the rest of the free course providers out there. In reality, all of our online blockchain courses free guides focus on the influence of blockchain on our business models. This is something that the other courses in the marketplace lack.

That only focuses on the tech only and not how you can use it to create your own enterprise value solutions.

So, you get technically skilled, but you won’t understand how this technology works in this environment. But if you enroll in our academy courses, then you will surely master that knowledge as well.

Also, we tend to keep all of our content updated on a regular basis. Thus, you will always learn about the current situation of this new revolution.

Lastly, our contents are for both employers and employees. So, feel free to check out all of our free blockchain courses free right now!


In the End,

Learning about blockchain is a very complicated process. But here, we are trying to make it as much simple as possible for you to understand them perfectly. As a result, we have a wide collection of contents in our academy.

But if you are just a beginner, then you should definitively check out our free blockchain courses to understand how it works.

Want something more? Check out our premium contents right now!